(a selection)
2019. Gerecke, Alana and Mary Fogarty, eds. Backspace: A Special Issue on Dance Studies Special Edition of Performance Matters 5.1.
2018. Gerecke, Alana and Laura Levin, eds. Choreographies of Assembly Special Edition of Canadian Theatre Review 176.
2022. Gerecke, Alana and Laura Levin. “Choreographic Deliberations, Pandemic Assemblies,” in Assemblies: Ways of Making. Eds. Anne Davidian and Laurent Jeanpierre. Sternberg Press (Forthcoming)
2021. Gerecke, Alana. “Dancing With Land” in Performance Matters 7.1: 131-59.
2020. Gerecke, Alana. “Sidewalk Choreographies: The Politics of Moving Along in Battery Opera’s Lives Were Around Me.” The Futures of Dance Studies. Eds. Susan Manning, Janice Ross, and Rebecca Schneider. Wisconsin UP, 245-63.
2019. Gerecke, Alana. “A Choreopolitics of Topography: Feeling for Lower Ground in Karen Jamieson’s The River.” Performance Matters 5.1: 25-46.
2018. Gerecke, Alana and Laura Levin. “Moving Together in an Age of Assembly,” Editorial Introduction. Canadian Theatre Review 176: 5-10.
2018. Gerecke, Alana and Justine Chambers. “Speculative Choreographies: Moving Together, 22 Ways.” Canadian Theatre Review 176: 37-40.
2012. Gerecke, Alana. “Dance as a ‘Lead Card,’” in Renegade Bodies: Canadian Dance in the 1970s. Eds. Allana C. Lindgren and Kaija Pepper. Toronto: Dance Collection Danse Press(es), 141-54.